
Make your brand memorable

Paper’s unique abilities leave a lasting brand impression.
This story is part of our series about how haptics—the science of touch—can enhance your marketing. View other stories in the series or subscribe to Pop from Sappi today to receive an email when we post more.

We’re more likely to remember what we read on paper than what we read from a screen. Why? Scientists discovered three reasons.

Paper makes content more 
intuitively navigable
Paper facilitates better mental “mapping” of information
Paper drains fewer of our cognitive resources, making retention easier

Paper’s proven to get your brand in their heads.

When customers read your message on paper, their brain shifts into a deeper level of engagement, one more conducive to building lasting knowledge. A number of studies have found that communication through physical media, particularly paper, is more likely to lead to knowledge retention and longevity than communication via digital media.

“People understand and remember what they read on paper better than what they read on screen. Researchers think the physicality of papers explains this discrepancy.”
Ferris Jabr, “Why the Brain Prefers Paper,” Scientific American October 2013

Touch can help you stay on their minds.

The folks at the Eagleman Lab took these findings further, and discovered that even paper quality makes a difference. People are more likely to recall information printed on heavy, high-quality coated paper than when it’s on low-quality paper. A week after their first impression, people still preferred the companies they read about on the high-quality paper, with name recall for those brands highest by a factor of 3:1.

Why medium shapes the message
Dr. David Eagleman explains the neuroscientific reasons high-quality paper influences the brain and, consequently, the way a brand is perceived. View full series.


Remember: Paper increases reader recall. High-quality paper increases brand preference.